How to use meal replacement shakes
Do you really know how to use meal replacement shakes? As an educated professional with a history as a personal trainer, I have seen many people utilize meal replacement shakes to lose weight. I also have seen people use these as options for replacing meals because of a fast-paced lifestyle.
Meal replacement shakes can have a positive place in our diet, but I challenge you to answer two essential questions: what is really in this shake you’re opting for? and what is the aim of a meal replacement shake?
It seems like it’s a good idea, and I am in definite support of a great shake for many reasons. But let’s back up a second and acknowledge the fact that nearly all meal replacement shakes are missing the essential nutrients that you would otherwise consume from fruits and vegetables. So while you are achieving a proper ratio of protein and carbs as fuel, the consumer must also somehow get the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs.
This isn’t a bad thing. But most people just assume meal replacement shakes would include all of the daily vitamins and minerals they need. But this is false because the aim of a meal replacement shake is simply to fuel your body until the next meal. Fuel which is in the form of protein and carbs.
In conclusion, meal replacement shakes (like this one) are a great option for many, however when utilizing meal replacement shakes, whether for weight loss, or for a healthy grab-and-go option, you must also incorporate a highly methylated multivitamin (like this one), or make sure to gain all of your essential vitamins and minerals throughout the day in other meals. Again, having a meal replacement shake is NOT a bad thing; but do not simply assume that meal replacement shakes are providing you with all of the NUTRIENTS you need, they are simply most often, providing you with the proper protein+carbohydrate ratio to fuel you through until your next meal. So check the label on your meal replacement shake, acknowledge what nutrients it does not contain, and make every effort to incorporate these essential elements into the rest of your day.
Miller, G., Beavers, D.P., Hammon, D., Mihalko, S.L., Messier, S.P., "Nutrient intake during diet-induced weight loss and exercise interventions in a randomized trial in older overweight and obese adults" Journal of Nutrition, Heath and Aging. 2017.
Plexus. "Plexus Lean" 2018.
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